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TmaxSoft JEUS Alternate Data Streams Vulnerability

티맥스 소프트의 제우스 WAS의 데이터 스트림 취약점이 지난 12월12일에 발표 되었습니다.
국내에서도 많은 대규모 기관들이 사용하는 만큼 미처 대처 하지 못한 곳은 서둘러 조치하셔야 할 듯 합니다.

Title: TmaxSoft JEUS Alternate Data Streams Vulnerability
Author: Simon Ryeo(bar4mi (at) gmail)
Severity: High
Impact: Remote File Disclosure
Vulnerable Version: < JEUS 5: Fix#26 on NTFS
- http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms98-003.mspx
- http://www.tmaxsoft.com
- http://www.tmax.co.kr/tmaxsoft/index.screen
- 10.22.2008: Initiate notify
- 10.23.2008: The vendor responded
- 11.21.2008: The vendor replied detail information.
- 12.12.2008: The vendor finished the preparation for patches and

On NTFS TmaxSoft JEUS, which is an famous web application server, contained
a vulnerability that allows an attacker to obtain web application source
files. This was caused by ADSs(Alternate Data Streams; ::$DATA).
JEUS couldn't handle ::$DATA. So it treated test.jsp::$DATA as an normal
file when it requested.
This is similar to the past MS Windows IIS vulnerability(Bid 0149).

The attacker can obtain them easily using an URL request.

The vendor released solutions for this problem.
Method 1) Upgrade JEUS
- JEUS 5:
- JEUS 4:
a. Use to change WebtoB function
b. Upgrade JEUS to version 6 (the service for version 4 will be out of
service after Dec 2009)
Method 2) Use to change WebtoB fuction
- Change the message communication method from 'URI' to 'EXT'
(This is valid whether you use the embed WebtoB to JEUS or the single
Method 3) Install the patch (ex. jext.jar)
- The patch file will be valid until Jan. 2009
(Target version:, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 final, 5.x(each verison will be
offered below Fix#26)

Please refer to TmaxSoft Homepage for detail support palns. It will be
valid until Mar. 2009.

by 김재벌